Innovation Lab 3: Shake the tree!

Registraties zijn gesloten

          We are back to present you all the latest surprises in the Mobility field. During this event we bring together Cities, Governments, Mobility Experts, Partners, Vendors and the Academic World in an open and informal way on the 14th of February in the Business Faculty in Brussels.

          We have prepared to following agenda for you:


          • Lessons learned from Smart Camera projects - Rijkswaterstaat - The Netherlands
          • Rail Crossing Safety - Stopped car detection, red light passing, pedestrian & cyclist detection on rail crossings
          • Predicting Traffic accidents based on weather conditions - VIAS Institute
          • Upcoming Solutions for Mobility & Police
          • Safety Score for Intersections - UHasselt 
          • Why Virtual Counting Loops?
          • Impact Average Speed Enforcement based on Speed Profile Analysis  - PZ Voorkempen - Polivisu
          • G3+ camera - the disruptive solution for Instant Speed Enforcement

          The event will take place from 9.30 a.m untill 2 p.m, lunch will be provided at the Business Faculty in 1120 Brussels, Sint-Lendriksborre 6.

          If you want to invite your colleagues or friends to the Innovation Lab you can do this by registering multiple participants in the registration form.  

          We are looking forward to welcome you on this event!


          The Macq Community Team

          Datum & Tijd
          vrijdag 14 februari 2020
          09:30 14:00 (Europe/Brussels)

          Business Faculty

          Sint-Lendriksborre 6
          1120 Brussels
          --Business Faculty--
          Krijg de routebeschrijving

          MACQ Community

          +32 2 610 15 00


          Zoek uit wat mensen zien en zeggen over dit evenement, en neem deel aan de conversatie.